Why Is Darjeeling Tea Known As “Champagne Of Teas”?

February 2, 2022

For a long time, the renowned “Champagne of Teas”—Darjeeling tea is a drink that I always wanted to try. Darjeeling is a famous place that is located in West Bengal in the highlands of the eastern Himalayas.

The tea leaf, known as Darjeeling tea, is worldwide known because of the aroma and taste of thick leaves freshly harvested in various eye-soothing gardens of Darjeeling. It is similar to the different areas of France that make champagne, which signifies the glinting of white wines. If you want to taste the classy flavour of Darjeeling tea, then you can search for Darjeeling leaf tea online.

There are approximately 87 tea gardens located in the scenic mountain area of Darjeeling that produce tea leaves whose classic nature can be easily compared with the fabled champagne of France.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said a famous line which means that in every cup of tea, there is a flavour of poetry and exquisite sentiments. It is often said that Ralph Waldo Emerson referred to Darjeeling tea in his famous line.

With a single sip of the exquisite tea, words get framed in your mouth, giving a rhythmic tone to the lines that one seeks to admire the beauty of nature.

3 Top Reasons Darjeeling Tea Is Called The “Champagne of Teas”

Unique Flavor: Muscatel has a unique flavour that is evocative of the famous Muscat grape group. It is often thought to have the similar fruity and aromatic qualities of the wine that is made from those grapes. The Muscatel is a nice blend of citrus fruity sweetness and the scent of yeast baguettes baked on a buttered pan. This perfectly complements the usual green characteristic when it appears in Darjeeling tea. This excellent flavour, which is accompanied by the aroma of the aftertaste, will enlighten your day like rays of light falling in the darkest cave a human eye could see. Teas that are harvested in the second part of June contain the most prominent musky flavor.

Exceptional Quality: As previously mentioned, Darjeeling tea is exclusively cultivated in the handpicked states located in the Himalayan mountain range in West Bengal. Darjeeling is ideal for producing excellent quality tea, which consists of the finest muscatel taste because of its subtropical condition. The higher altitude with the acidic soil makes it perfect for harvesting thick tea leaves as well. The climate of Darjeeling also varies between sunny and gloomy climate conditions. Every year, Darjeeling harvests approximately 13 million kg of tea, accounting for less than 1% of the total tea production in India. It can be seen that making judgments based on quantity may be a wrong idea because quality plays a more crucial role over quantity.

Many luminaries refer to this: In the past few years, there have been several endorsers who have taken an interest in Darjeeling tea. In the early 20th century, the world-renowned novelist Rabindranath Tagore and the American humorist Mark Twain visited Darjeeling, and their affection for Darjeeling tea is well documented. Rungli-Rungliot, a well-received biography of Humor Golden, a famous English author, demonstrated her enthusiasm for Darjeeling tea and discussed the time she had spent lovingly in Darjeeling. The Queen of England was gifted the Darjeeling tea by Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India.

If, after reading this blogpost, you are eager to purchase Darjeeling tea, you do not need to worry about its availability because you can buy Darjeeling tea online right here at Duncans and enjoy its exceptional flavor.

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